How we work

The Trust is a multi academy trust (MAT), a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity.  This means it must work to the regulations affecting companies and charities and those related to MATs. It works within approved Articles of Association. 

A small group of Members oversees the work of the Trust and is responsible for overarching decisions, such as changing the Trust’s Articles of Association, the appointment of Directors who sit on the Trust's Board, and Governors who sit on the Trust's Local Governing Committees and may hold Trustees and the Board to account.

A Board of Trustees, appointed by our Members, is responsible for the strategic direction of the Trust, in the same way as a Board oversees a Company or Charity. Board meetings are held at least once every term.

Trustees responsibilities are set out in our Terms of Reference and include:

  • ensuring the Trust is being run effectively

  • controlling its management and administration

  • ensuring the Trust maintains its vision and values and delivers the outcomes which it has defined for pupils and the Trust.

The Board delegates some functions to committees and their structure and membership is set out below.

In their meetings, the Trust's committees focus on different areas of the Trust's work and make recommendations for action to the Board. 

  • Finance and Resources Committee - the purpose of this Committee is to exercise all delegate duties in respect of financial administration of the Trust and to monitor the standards of delivery of the Trust’s business and operational functions.

  • Audit and Risk Committee - this Committee reviews the findings from other assurance activities by third parties and maintains strategic oversight of the Trust’s risk register.

  • The Education Standards Committee - the overall purpose is to advise the Board on matters relating to the Trust’s curriculum, quality and standards.

  • The Pay Committee oversees pay and pensions for all staff employed by the Trust who work to common and consistent standards and conditions.

Local Governing Committees (LGCs) are appointed by the Board  to provide oversight for each of the schools within the Trust. Made up of Governors who are recruited locally, the work of LGCs is set within the vision, values and policies defined by the Trust and governed by an approved Scheme of Delegation. Further details of their work, including thier register of interests and meeting attendance can be found on each schools website.

Blackdown Education Partnership Governance 

Blackdown Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding

Blackdown Education Partnership Articles of Association

Blackdown Education Partnership Scheme of Delegation

Blackdown Education Partnership Governance Handbook

Blackdown Education Parternship Governance Structure

BEP Trustees and Local Governors Declarations of Interest 2024-25

BEP Trustees and Local Governance Arrangements 2023-24

BEP Trustees and Local Governors Diversity Indicators

Governance Expenses Policy

The minutes of the Blackdown Education Partnership Trustees meetings are avaliable on request by emailing the Lead Governance Professional at


Government Guidance on Academy Governance 

Academy Trust Handbook