Admissions Policies
We currently employ the services of Somerset Council (for our schools in Somerset) and Devon Council (for our schools in Devon) to process appeals and hold independent Appeals Panels on our behalf. For details about the appeals procedure please contact the Admissions Team for your area.
Devon County Council Admissions Team - School admission appeals Archives – Education and Families
Somerset County Council Admissions Team - Refused a place at your preferred school (
Secondary Transfer Appeals (Year 7) - National Offer Day - 3 March 2025
The deadline for lodging appeals is 31 March 2025. We will aim to hear these appeals within 40 school days of this deadline.
Primary (Reception Class) Appeals - National Offer Day - 16 April 2025
The deadline for lodging appeals is 31 May 2025. We will aim to hear these appeals within 40 school days of this deadline.
Privacy Statements
Other Policies
Attendance Policy - named Staff and local procedures can be found on each of our schools websites
Managing Unreasonable Behaviour of Parents, Carers and Visitors
Looked After and Previously Looked After Children Policy - named LAC / PLAC Policies can be found on each of our schools websites
Safeguarding and Child Protection policies - Blackdown Education Partnership is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and our named Safeguarding Policies can be found on each of our schools websites - Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Supporting Students with Medical Conditions and Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School Policies - Blackdown Education Partnership is committed to promoting the health and welfare of our students and these policies can be found on each of our schools websites.